Payday loans direct lender is jus the kind of snappy, easy to remember
slogan this company needs, I mean its all very well locking the mongoose up
Fred, but all I'm saying is, you keep locking the mongoose up, and eventually
the mongoose is going to figure out how the locks work, just think about that
the next time you pop down the shops for a Cornish hash brown. If every time I
looked into your eyes I saw what I thought I’d saw, you wouldn't have a job
here anymore pal, and I mean that as a father talking to his son not boss to employee,
alright? Just, relax a bit, yeah? Stop jumping out of the window every time you
make a cup of coffee, and stop bloody putting your shoes in the oven and
letting me eat them thinking their my fish pie!
The sad fact is Carl is, you're over-paid and underworked,
you'll be working on half pay from now on, and every time you walk on the floor
that'll be another day added on, but, because I am a fair man, and a man of the
cloth, I will allow you this one chance to give yourself up, come on, admit it,
you were the one who spiked my rich teas weren't you? Well you greasy idiot,
I'm on to you, I was in the army, I will glue all the toothpicks I've collected
over the years together and fashion them into Punjab sticks and spike you right
in your tiny, tiny knees. Oh, and one more thing Dan, that's a threat, not a
promise; I doubt I have enough toothpicks.
Sweet Linda, sweet dead Linda how the minutes
have passed, sadly you haven't aged well at all have you? Regardless, I love
you all the same. I am nostalgic for our future and I look forward to our past,
for the rest of my life I love you, Fred. Payday loans direct lender she says,
get a real job she says, stop screaming at balloon animals that does not earn
you any money she claims, well I've got news for her, that’s my family she was
talking about, and no one, not even Jeff Briggs in Alabama, talks about my family like that. The heat is
incredible, its as though every match under the sun has received the Holy
Ghost, and is now running about the place speaking the word of God.
The curious thing about me is, I can't see
where I’m going, and yet, I guide others on their own path; seems odd does it
now, that I am in a position, and granted access to advice young people on what
to do and where to go in life, and yet I am totally at a loss myself.
Disgusting. I believe, using myself as the example, this shows a total
breakdown in our society, and should this kind of behavior be allowed, or even
encouraged to continue, then I can say with very little doubt in my mind, that
within the hour, we'll all be ghost-smashers. Couldn't say busters too afraid
of the copyright.
Payday loans direct lender was the only man I ever trusted,
however, as soon as I’d given him the nod, off went my arms and I was at his
mercy once again. Silly old payday didn't bank on my having a double edged
sword stashed safely up the back passage, I shot it out and began using the
force to cut him down to the size of a cup; within hours, he was back in the
dishwasher where he knew he should have been all along, cheeky really, trying
to escape like that. From the look of the forecast I have inferred there is a
60% chance of rain and a 100% chance of this sentence ending with improper
They are coming for me… with every word typed
they grow nearer, and again, with every word I seal my fate… This being of
course because I have to stop roughly around the 750mph mark, however, he has
been known to go slightly over just for giggles, and in some rare cases a few
The rocket NASA used to put man on the moon,
Apollo 11 to be precise, had 20,000,000-horse power amazingly. Meaning, if a
spaceman, or woman, so space officer we'll say, wished to reach the moon by
horse, they would have to negotiate with the horse, and agree that the horse
would bring 19,999,999 of his mates along. Ah yes, as predicted, well over
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